4 Best Work Model For Business And Industries

Figuring out the best work model can be complicated when you are still yet to set out your plans. Depending on what business you want to start or the organization you want to run, you will have to choose the kind of work model you want to implement or use, a model that best suits the nature of your business and budgets.

But first, let’s take a look into the term “Work Model” and get to know what it is. 

What Is Work Model?

A work model is the kind or type of styling one chooses to run an enterprise on, It refers to the type of framework or approach used by an organization or individual to carry out their work tasks and responsibilities. Choosing a work model is greatly impacted with the kind of organizations you want to run.

It also involves determining the kind of work tools that will be implemented, the processes, and the systems to use to get the desired results and goals of the business.

As early said, work model can vary widely depending on the type of work that is being carried out or done by the organization, the industry, and the goals it’s set out to achieve. 

Types Of Work Model

  • Traditional hierarchical structures
  • Deskless worker model
  • Remote work models
  • Hybrid work model

These are the most common and simple form of work model that are leading in today’s organization and industries setups, let’s get to know more about them.

Traditional hierarchical structures

This type of work structure is mostly used by large industries or organizations where we can find different sections or levels of authority and decision makers in the organization where employees work in offices having their own working space.

Authority level, work model

Traditional hierarchical structures or office environment type of work model allows workers to do work, face to face interaction and collaboration. But this work model can be expensive due to office rental, utilities, and equipment which are very much required.

What Are the Pros And Cons of Traditional Hierarchical structures?

Let take a look at few of the advantages of using a traditional hierarchical structures 


  • When it comes to a traditional hierarchical structure, every employee knows their role and responsibilities within the organization, therefore reducing confusion and increasing work efficiency.
  • The traditional hierarchical structure can be easily implemented as it is widely used in most organizations and industries.
  • Decisions are made by those in higher positions, which can lead to more consistent decision making across the organization. 
  • It promotes better control over operations and also improves the organization’s ability to manage risk.


  • It can be rigid, which means that the organization may struggle to adapt quickly to changes in the market or internal factors therefore it lacks flexibility.
  • Since decisions are made by those in higher positions, the decision making process can be slow, which can lead to missed opportunities among workers and organizations. 
  • Communication can be difficult and slow as information must pass through multiple levels of management before reaching the lowest level. 
  • Employees may feel reduced empowerment, see themselves lower to the superiors. 

Deskless worker model

The best way to understand this type of work model is to consider some examples such as nurses, construction workers, waiters and waitresses, retail staff, field service technicians and more, these are examples of the deskless work model.

Their work requires no desk or specific workspace, working outside a typical office but with an organization or industry to achieve a goal, this kind of work model can be considered to be under the traditional hierarchical structures because the workers are working for a corporate entity taking for instance a hospital with nurses, where the deskless workers are constantly on the move waiting or attending to the needs of patients.


  • It provides more flexibility to employees as they can set work schedules or utilize their off-duty schedule properly, making it easier to balance their work and personal life.
  • It promotes high productivity as deskless workers tend to be more productive focusing on their work without getting distractions from the office environment.
  • They offer better customer service, because of the direct contact they may have with customers, enabling them to provide personalized and more responsive customer service.
  • Deskless work arrangements can reduce overhead costs associated with maintaining a physical office space, such as rent, utilities, and other equipment.


  • Might also face communication challenges
  • Managing deskless workers can be more difficult and challenging than managing office based employees that can be easily located at their own office. 
  • It reduces collaborative opportunities, limits the share of ideas and other opportunities. 

Remote work models

A situation where an employee can work from home or anywhere in the world at their own convenience is considered as a remote work model or job where technology like computer devices are used in communicating with each other and work.

This type of work model increases employee satisfaction level and reduces overhead costs for the industry or organization,


  • Remote work increase flexibility, employees have more control over their work schedule, location, and work life balance. 
  • Remote work can help save costs for both the employer and employee. office space, supplies, utility,  transportation and other work related expenses are ruled out. 
  • Studies have shown that remote workers tend to be more productive than their office based counterparts.
  • Remote work models allow companies to recruit and retain top talent from around the world, regardless of where they are being located.
  • It can also provide employees with a better work life balance, leading to improved mental health and reduced stress levels when it comes to working. 


  • Workers may feel isolated and disconnected from their colleagues and the company culture. 
  • May face difficulty in communication
  • There might be a certain level of self indiscipline and self unmotivated due to lack of supervision. 
  • Remote work models rely on technological skills, which can be a disadvantage for those who are not skilled technologically or do not have access to good tech.

Hybrid Work Model

This work model is the combination of the traditional office model and remote work model. It offers the benefits of both models and allows employees to work both remotely and in the office. This model requires careful planning and communication to ensure that employees have a balance of work life and that there is enough collaboration between remote and in-office workers.

The hybrid work model is a work arrangement that combines working remotely and in-person at the office. Here are some of its pros and cons:


Have huge flexibility, Cost savings, Increased productivity, and reduce carbon footprint


Might face communication challenges, reduced social interaction with officemates, lack access to enough tech power at home, and might also experience blurred boundaries. 

Above all, the best work model for a business depends on its unique needs and objectives. It’s important to consider the pros and cons of each model such as the revenue that might be required and evaluate which one aligns best with the company’s goals and culture.

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