Carpentry Apprenticeship

Carpentry Apprenticeship Learnership

The Motheo Academy is the name of one of the areas of responsibility.

The amount of time passed is 3 years.

When it comes to employment, Motheo Construction Group, in its capacity as an employer who is dedicated to the principles of employment fairness, gives precedence to candidates who are competent and who make a contribution to the diversity of the organisation.

Students currently have the opportunity to study a full-time, three-year Occupational qualification certificate through the Motheo Academy, which is currently being offered to students. At this very moment, this opportunity is being made available. You have the opportunity to make money while you are teaching yourself the subject of carpentry if you already have a N2 qualification in the field of carpentry. This gives you with the prospect of earning money.

The following is a list of the conditions that must be completed in order to guarantee that you are prepared to take advantage of this chance in the suitable manner:

1. a high school diploma from an institution that has been granted accreditation and demonstrates that the student has received a passing grade in both English and mathematics;

  • Certificate in carpentry at the N2 level, which is the bare minimum;
  • Two copies of your current identity that have been checked to ensure that they are in good standing;
  • Four, a curriculum vitae that is comprehensive in its totality;

You are required to be younger than 35 years old in order to participate;

Being willing to travel inside the Gauteng region is something that you should be prepared to accomplish in the event that it is necessary for you to do so;

7. All applicants must be citizens of South Africa at the time of application and meet the eligibility requirements;

It is required that candidates be inhabitants of the Gauteng region in order for them to be considered;

9. As soon as Motheo has received all of the necessary documents, the screening process will start immediately afterwards;

10. Once the screening procedure has been completed, the candidates who have been selected will be issued an invitation to participate in an interview. Immediately following the conclusion of the interview, the students will be expected to carry out a practical evaluation in order to be considered for the ultimate choice;

11. Applicants will be informed of the choice that has been made, and the Motheo Academy will be the one to make the ultimate decision concerning their application.

Candidates will only be taken into consideration if they are able to fulfil the conditions that are pertinent to the position that they are applying for.

It is required that applications be addressed to [email protected], with Amukelani Masia being selected as the recipient. You can also submit your application by calling the number 087 805 7474.

If you have not gotten a response from Motheo within two weeks after the application deadline, you should consider your application to have failed. Motheo responds to applications within two weeks.

Note that the only applications that will be accepted for consideration are those that are sent to the email address [email protected] using the email address. Please take note of this fact. The applications that are sent to personal email addresses will not be taken into consideration by our organization.

Closing Date: January 2024

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